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Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We’ve got answers. Check out our FAQs for quick info on how we work and what we offer.
What is included in the free website demo?
The free website demo includes a preview of your custom website, showcasing the design, features, and functionality tailored specifically for your tattoo shop.
Is there any obligation to purchase after the demo?
No, there is absolutely no obligation to purchase. The demo is completely free and designed to give you a glimpse of what we can do for your tattoo shop.
How can a custom website benefit my Business?
A custom website can help increase your online presence, attract more clients, and streamline your booking process. It’s designed to showcase your work and build trust with potential clients.
How long does it take to set up the demo?
Setting up your demo usually takes 1-2 business days. Once it's ready, we'll send you a link to view your personalized website.
What if I want to make changes to the demo?
If you have specific changes or features you'd like to see in your demo, just let us know! We're happy to make adjustments to better meet your needs.
What happens if I decide to proceed with the full website?
If you decide to move forward, we'll work with you to finalize the design and build your full website. We'll discuss pricing and any additional features you may need.
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